Trapped Heat - Warping floorboards - Ventilate Your Home

Warping Floorboards

Warping floorboards are a direct sign of moisture present within your subfloor space.

It is disappointing when you have recently renovated and spent a small fortune on new floors only to see warping occurring only a few weeks after your new floors have been installed. It can manifest in physical signs of plank disfigurement and should not be dismissed. Often the warped wood floor is caused due to pooled water, or from heavy moisture below the floor which happens from an unidentified leak or other hidden water source. Sometimes following a storm, flash flooding underneath the house can cause enough of a moisture imbalance which can lead to the warping.

Make sure that if you are planning on renovating, that you have the subfloor areas checked for these underlying issues. Following a discovery you may need to resolve the drainage issue first and then replace the disfigured floorboards; in order to ensure a long-term remedy to the problem, installing a subfloor fan ventilation system will save you thousands of dollars (in replacement) in the long run.

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Give Shaun a call from Ventilate Your Home for a no-obligation quote on 02 5302 5339 or 0412 877 828 if you plan to put new floorboards down in your next renovation.